Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas: A Double Feature!

I fear I may have lost most of my readers with my absence on this new project. For those of you who are still with me, I have a new job, and I've been a little busy this month (haven't we all? December is a busy time). But fear not! This weekend, I'm planning a double feature. I hope it'll be a fun one, since I recently reread a book I really loved as a child and found that it didn't stand the test of time/adulthood. What's the book? Check back next Monday and find out! Perhaps I'll even sneak in a holiday book if I can find one. I think I have a crappy Baby-Sitter's Christmas Mystery Super Special around here somewhere.


Josh said...

Faithfully here :). I tried to mention something about this earlier this week, but I think Gmail chat garbled it or something.

Anne said...

I'm still here. Looking forward to reading something new...